Collegeville Workshop 2020

CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software

This project is maintained by markcmiller86

Contribute to Collegeville 2020

Any member of the computational science and engineering community who has an interest in improving developer productivity for scientific software is encouraged to submit content to build the program of Collegeville 2020. We welcome the following contributions:

Contribution Submission Date Description
White paper June 26 now June 29 A brief document articulating impediments, challenges, opportunities or potential solutions to developer productivity for scientific software.
Teatime theme July 10 A topic related to developer productivity for open discussion during teatime. If your teatime theme is accepted, you would facilitate a small group discussion on the theme during the July 21 – 23 workshop.
Poster July 10 A PDF or interactive webpage that will be the focus of small group discussion during teatime. If your poster is accepted, you would facilitate a small group discussion during the July 21 – 23 workshop.
Recorded presentation July 10 We will record short presentations on content selected from some of the submitted white papers. If your white paper content would make a good presentation for the workshop, we will contact you to inquire if you are interested in this opportunity. Recorded presentations will be available to attendees before the workshop.
Panelist July 21 - 23 During the workshop dates of July 21 – 23, we will host a live plenary panel discussion with Q&A as the first event each day. We are limited to just a few panelists each day and will invite people based on their white paper submission and the diversity of viewpoint for the theme of the day. We will contact panelist candidates to inquire if you are interested in this opportunity. The panel sessions will be recorded and available after the workshop.

All submission will be reviewed by the organizing committee for possible acceptance to the workshop program

White paper guidelines and submission

Poster guidelines and submission

Teatime theme guidelines and submission