CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software
This project is maintained by markcmiller86
Teatime theme - Collegeville 2020
Rinku Gupta - Argonne National Laboratory
We propose a teatime session to discuss with like-minded people how to use as well as contribute to the Better Scientific Software site as a resource for advancing software productivity and sustainability. The website serves as a central hub for sharing information on practices, techniques, experiences, and tools to improve developer productivity and software sustainability. The goals of the site are to raise awareness of (1) the importance of good software practices to scientific productivity and to the quality and reliability of scientific results and (2) the increasing challenges facing scientific software developers as high-end computing heads to extreme scales.
Join the BSSw community! This session will promote open discussion of how the community can use to address the needs, challenges, and potential roadblocks in scientific software productivity and sustainability.
Supplementary information: