Collegeville Workshop 2020

CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software

This project is maintained by markcmiller86

2020-07-21 Collegeville Day 1 Breakout Discussion


Short-term vs long-term productivity

Productivity intersection with utility?

how can you tell if productivity is improving over time?

what if the work you do one week is ‘trown away’ the next week?

individual productivity vs management-level productivity

Efficiency == quality? or just getting-things-done?

how to convince an individual to contribute to the wider team?

Play to peoples strengths

experience: code reviews have lead to some real quality improvements

balance finding the tools that are more useful, but not wanting to learn new things all the time

experience: what if management is imposing a tool for everyone?

q3: what can we make progress in the next year?

q4: prerequisites to addressing long-term challenges?