CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software
This project is maintained by markcmiller86
Time (US CDT) | July 22 |
10:00 am | Panel 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity Panelists: Hartwig Anzt, Karlruhe Institute of Technology, U of Tennessee Jason Gates, Sandia National Labs Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Lab Vadim Dyadechko, ExxonMobil Charles Ferenbaugh, Los Alamos National Lab Vivek Sarkar, Georgia Tech (Add to calendar) |
11:30 am | Break & Slack Discussions |
12:30 pm | Discussion 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity Breakout rooms will be assigned randomly using Zoom (Add to calendar) |
2:00 pm | Break & Slack Discussions |
3:00 pm | Posters/Teatimes 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity Posters: Gonsiorowski, Elsa et al.: Upgrading Team Practices for Developer Productivity Improvement Siefert, Christopher: Case Study: Debugging Other People’s Libraries via PRELOAD Tea Time Themes: Ahn, Dong H.; Herbein, Stephen: Flux: Solving Exascale Workflow Portability and Execution Challenges Chandrasekaran, Sunita: Usable, reusable, portable, maintainable, reproducible: How? Gates, Jason: Training Best Practices Shende, S., Heroux, M., Willenbring, J., Spear, W.: E4S: Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack (Add to calendar) |