Collegeville Workshop 2020

CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software

This project is maintained by markcmiller86

2020 Collegeville Workshop Agenda, Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Zoom Connection Information

Time (US CDT) July 22
10:00 am Panel 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity
Hartwig Anzt, Karlruhe Institute of Technology, U of Tennessee
Jason Gates, Sandia National Labs
Anshu Dubey, Argonne National Lab
Vadim Dyadechko, ExxonMobil
Charles Ferenbaugh, Los Alamos National Lab
Vivek Sarkar, Georgia Tech
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11:30 am Break & Slack Discussions
12:30 pm Discussion 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity
Breakout rooms will be assigned randomly using Zoom
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2:00 pm Break & Slack Discussions
3:00 pm Posters/Teatimes 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity
Gonsiorowski, Elsa et al.: Upgrading Team Practices for Developer Productivity Improvement
Siefert, Christopher: Case Study: Debugging Other People’s Libraries via PRELOAD
Tea Time Themes:
Ahn, Dong H.; Herbein, Stephen: Flux: Solving Exascale Workflow Portability and Execution Challenges
Chandrasekaran, Sunita: Usable, reusable, portable, maintainable, reproducible: How?
Gates, Jason: Training Best Practices
Shende, S., Heroux, M., Willenbring, J., Spear, W.: E4S: Extreme-scale Scientific Software Stack
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