CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software
This project is maintained by markcmiller86
Time (US CDT) | July 21 Get Details |
July 22 Get Details |
July 23 Get Details |
9:45 am | Opening Remarks (Add to calendar) |
10:00 am | Panel 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges (Add to calendar) |
Panel 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
Panel 3: Cultural Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
11:30 am | Break & Slack Discussions |
Break & Slack Discussions |
Break & Slack Discussions |
12:30 pm | Discussion 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges (Add to calendar) |
Discussion 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
Discussion 3: Cultural Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
2:00 pm | Break & Slack Discussions |
Break & Slack Discussions |
Break & Slack Discussions |
3:00 pm | TeaTime/Posters 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges (Add to calendar) |
TeaTime/Posters 2: Technical Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
TeaTime/Posters 3: Cultural Approaches to Improved Productivity (Add to calendar) |
4:30 pm | Closing Remarks (Add to calendar) |