Collegeville Workshop 2020

CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software

This project is maintained by markcmiller86

2020 Collegeville Workshop Agenda, Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Zoom Connection Information

Time (US CDT) July 21
9:45 am Opening Remarks
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10:00 am Panel 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges
Sunita Chandrasekaran, U of Deleware,
C. Fan Du, U of Texas,
Hal Finkel, Argonne National Lab,
Theresa Windus, Iowa State,
Rick Arthur, GE,
Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
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11:30 am Break & Slack Discussions
12:30 pm Discussion 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges
Breakout rooms will be assigned randomly using Zoom
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2:00 pm Break & Slack Discussions
3:00 pm Posters/Teatimes 1: Productivity Definitions & Challenges
Cowan, Benjamin: Challenges in Deployability: Scientific Software on Microsoft Windows
Du, C. Fan and Howison, James: Improving the Visibility of Scientific Software Work
Tea Time Themes:
Dyadechko, Vadim: Developers Anonymous
Ferenbaugh, Charles: Developer Productivity on Novel Architectures (or, Surviving in the Wild West)
Herring, Angela; Raybourn, Elaine: Teams who Play Together, Stay Together
Quillen, Pat: Developer Productivity == Software Quality?
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