CW20 brings community members together to advance developer productivity for scientific software
This project is maintained by markcmiller86
The goal of this workshop is to bring together community leaders and practitioners in scientific software from academia, industry and labs for the purpose of identifying the challenges and priority research direction for improving developer productivity for scientific software. We want to explore, characterize and articulate scientific software practices from industry, research labs and academia and identify common requirements and essential differences in these communities.
We believe this workshop to be distinct in its efforts to bring academic, industry and lab community members to explore both the common and unique challenges of these communities.
The first day, July 21, will focus on productivity definitions and challenges; the second day on technical strategies for improvement; the third on cultural approaches for improvement.
Artifacts from the workshop will include submitted white papers, recorded presentations, live panels and discussions, recordings of live sessions and blog articles from selected workshop contributions. We hope these artifacts will advance community progress in developer productivity for scientific software, especially toward better usability across industry, lab and academic institutions. We anticipate that the diverse experience of the workshop attendees will lead to a deeper awareness and understanding of how the represented communities can benefit from collaboration, coordination and complementarity.
Due to the pandemic, Collegeville 2020 will be an entirely virtual event. As the diagram above shows, we are soliciting white papers, posters and teatime themes contributions from the community. From these contributions we will build the detailed program. Details for submitting are on the Contribute page.